Minggu, 29 April 2012

Tuesday, 27 March 2012
Today I entered religious subjects and introductory economics. I woke up about eight o'clock in the morning and do activities at home. I completed the task of religious subjects given by the faculty last week. almost show time 12 am and I am ready to go to college. suddenly enter a message which contains the news that the subject of religion does not enter. I feel a little annoyed that it has completed the task of religious subjects.
lunch at my house and do the job introductory economics that happened on this day teachers also could not attend. today I did not go to college and I was just at home doing everyday activities.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012a
I woke up at 7 am and get ready to go to college. industrial mathematics is a subject I am this morning. appropriate on this day is my birthday to 19 years. professor told me to finish the task in front of the class. my friends congratulated me. The next course is a computer education, as always I continue working on the task at hand in the guidebooks. I can only finish a party of the task.
day is almost here, and I headed to the secretions Caniva to rest and have lunch with members of other Caniva. because the time has come midday, my other friend and pray at the mosque. My prayer is complete back to secretions and hanging out with my friends, singing and playing guitar. on this day in the faculty of veterinary medicine for the elephants coming in health check. many of my friends that say happy birthday to me. I am very happy and proud.
time went by, me and my friends made a small event to celebrate my birthday. very funny so we laughed. hahahahahaha
after the evening arrived, I went home to rest and perform daily activities.
Thursday, 29 March 2012
My lecture today is very dense schedule. there are four subjects that I should attend. because I stayed up late that night, I was late to enter the social science subjects at the basic cultural and luckily I was allowed to enter to follow the lesson. today I did not get a bath. I returned home with julius. I buy vegetables for lunch. I finished cooking a shower and getting ready to go to school to get knowledge of course material. This day course materials knowledge test. call to prayer rang and the teacher took my exam paper. I and another friend went to the mosque for midday prayers. I enjoy free time to come to a complete stall prayer agricultural technology.
2 pm I entered the organic chemistry course, and at 4 pm I get a computer education course. for computer education course today because teachers do not drop the present.
course these days have expired, and I went back to my house to rest and cleanse my body.
Friday, 30 March 2012
up early as usual and bath. on this day I do not have a college course. I just do activities at home while doing chores and tasks campus. Friday praying and playing online games at home to eliminate long.
afternoon I went to Caniva secretions. I met with the chairman of the caniva and told me that there is a members' meeting tomorrow afternoon. I disseminate information to other members. after a long time in the discharge, I returned home to shower and eat. I re-play online games to eliminate long. Today I stayed up late into the computer in the company early.
Saturday, 31 March 2012
Today as yesterday, I do not have on-campus course. This morning I woke up rather late the hours of 9 am. I buy rice in the shop for breakfast. I am getting ready to go to the secretions caniva to attend the meeting informed the members that have been yesterday. until the secretions I only saw a few members who came. chairperson was furious to see that the members could not attend. finally meeting the members adjourned, and was replaced on Monday at 12 noon. I had lunch with members in other secretions. 2 pm I went home to rest and cleanse the body. night, I cook the fish and process them into food. play online games and facebook. This night I stayed up too late into the night.
Sunday, 1 April 2012
I woke up at 11 am. I soak in a bucket of dirty clothes for washing. My previous drinking water to calm my mind. Sunday was a very boring for me, because none of the activities I do. I was just playing computer and online games such as poker, pools and more. today I am coming to make friends that I lost my boredom. although i play games online, but all the work I do at home to complete. 2 pm I have lunch and buy a drink in the shop. finished eating I wash my bike.
I wash clothes in the afternoon and evening return to complete the task campus.
finish college and do all the homework assignment, I play games and watch while drinking a cup of coffee.